
Executive Travel : Business Travel Notes

Times Wire Services

* Reclaimed miles: A recent survey from Runzheimer International, a Wisconsin-based travel industry consulting firm, found that 84% of companies this year are treating frequent-flier miles as employee property--a decline of four percentage points over 1993 and the first time in a decade that the percentage of companies who reclaim such miles from employees has increased.

* Portables: Dell Computer Corp. said almost half of all traveling executives use portable computers on planes, according to the company’s random survey of 500 frequent U.S. business travelers.

The survey’s results indicate that 58% of the respondents take portable computers with them when traveling for business, and 49% of business travelers use them on planes.


* ATMs in Mexico: American Express card holders traveling in Mexico can get local currency advances at any of Banco Inverlat’s 300 automated teller machines there, the company announced.

Visa card holders currently can get pesos at 3,500 ATM machines through 11 partner banks, including the 900-branch network of Bancomer, Mexico’s largest bank.
