
REEL LIFE / FILM & VIDEO FILE : Locally Shot Surfing Movie Hits the Screen : ‘V2 and Beyond’ is the second attempt by Scott Aichner of Ventura to capture county wave action on video. It will be shown at the Ventura Theatre.


With cooler weather upon us, most people aren’t thinking about getting into the water. But surfers, real surfers, are getting amped for those winter storms that produce big waves.

Tonight, to help pump up the anticipation, the Ventura Theatre is showing “V2 and Beyond,” a local surf movie produced by Scott Aichner of Ventura.

To get the 30 minutes of tape that make up the feature, Aichner, 24, spent months squinting into a tripod-mounted camera or bobbing around in the waves with a helmet-mounted video camera.


“I call it the HelCam,” he said. “It weighs about five pounds, but it lets me get in behind the surfer so I can follow him through the wave.”

Aichner said that 80% of the video was shot in Ventura County. The soundtrack is strongly local also, featuring Raging Arb and the Redheads, Guy Martin and Rude Mood, Lion I’s and Euphoria.

“V2” is the sequel to “Ventura the Surf Movie,” Aichner’s first video that premiered last year at the Ventura Theatre.

“With the first one I was hoping to prove myself,” said Aichner, who shoots, edits and produces the videos by himself.

“It was like undressing in front of 750 people. I was up in the projector booth all alone. I hit ‘play’ and the opening sequence comes up with this guy disappearing into a tube. He’s gone for about three seconds before he pops out at the other end. The audience went wild. There’s no feeling like that, like having the crowd totally behind you.”

The show at the Ventura Theatre starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10. Raging Arb and the Redheads will perform. The video will be on sale soon at surf shops for $19.95.



Think of Sweden and what comes to mind? Enlightened social democracy, outstanding automotive engineering, the Nobel Prize maybe? Well, Sweden was not always as progressive as we imagine it, according to a film presented this Sunday by the Ojai Film Society.

“The Slingshot” is a story about growing up in Stockholm in the 1920s. The film is based on the true story of inventor Roland Schutt, whose youthful ingenuity gives the film its title. The 10-year-old hero makes slingshots out of the condoms his mother distributes illegally. Family planning was prohibited.

Far from the bastion of liberalism it is today, Sweden between the wars was a hotbed of repression and anti-Semitism. Roland gets picked on because of his father’s socialist beliefs and his mother’s Jewish roots.

It’s called the best Swedish coming-of-age movie since “My Life as a Dog.” We wonder, given the limited output of the Swedish film industry, if such billing is high praise or like calling someone the finest radio mime artist of the decade.

You make the call. It’s showing at 4:30 Sunday afternoon at the Ojai Playhouse, 145 E. Ojai Ave.
