
ROCK TALK : What Kills the Season’s Spirit Quickest? : Musicians pan the weather, the early start, the hype and ‘Santa Claus with bad breath.’


Hurry. Counting today, there are only 31 shopping days left until Christmas. The holiday spirit, which begins as a mild uproar the day after Halloween, becomes a full blown frenzy starting the day after Thanksgiving. This makes Christmas the longest running one-day holiday of the year, and at the same time, grants eternal life to Christmas music.

Most local male musicians want the same thing for Christmas: a record deal, platinum records, videos all over MTV, a cattle ranch in Beverly Hills and all the women in every Aerosmith video. But until then, they’ll have to be content with answering questions from local rock writers.

And this year, the 64-cent question is: In addition to Christmas music itself, what kills the holiday spirit quickest for you?


Tom Ball (harmonica player and singer, Ball & Sultan): “Santa Claus with bad breath, I guess.”

Tony Balbinot (guitarist, Roadhouse Rockers): “Well, I’m from Illinois, so it’s probably that there’s no snow or icicles. But I do like Christmas music.”

Frank Barajas (guitarist, JuJu Eyeball, Tijuana Hound Dogs): “Work.”

Spencer Barnitz (singer, Spencer the Gardener): “I actually like Christmas music, so that doesn’t kill my spirit. But I don’t really like Christmas shopping.”


Jason Bays (bass player, Pinching Judy): “There’s no snow, so that’s a big downer for me, because palm trees don’t make it for Christmas.”

J. Peter Boles (folk singer): “It must be all the people out there tailgating you and trying to run you down, forgetting what Christmas is. In one word, it’s probably the commercialism. But Christmas is a pretty big day; it’s Jesus Christ’s birthday.”

Keith Brown (guitarist, Popsicko): “I’m not a Christmas pro, but I’m a Christmas fan, and I like Christmas music, too.”


Ryan Denger (guitarist, Bloody Mary Morning): “Long lines.”

Dru (singer, This Ascension): “It must be the commercialism of it all, and I spent too much money last year.”

Toby Emery (guitarist, Raging Arb & the Redheads): “I guess it’s all the consumers for Christ at the mall parading around like robots.”

Mike Fishell (guitarist, Convertibles, Ordinaires): “Hey, I love Christmas. I have a separate box for all my Christmas albums. I love the Ventures Christmas album and the Phil Spector Christmas album; and you can’t go wrong with the Elvis Christmas album. Also, Christmas is the only time of the year when you can overeat, drink dark beer and say ‘Peace on Earth’ without everyone thinking you’re a hippie.”

Guy Jeans (keyboard player, Lion I’s, Trouser Trouts): “Having to shop, I guess, because I do my shopping the day before.”

Roy Jones (guitarist, House of Games): “Having it start right after Halloween.”

Jon Lawton (guitarist, Little Jonny & the Giants): “I’d say the decorations that go up right before Halloween, the Christmas decorations.”

Harold Lee (guitarist, Rice & Beans): “It would have to be all the fast-food promotions, with green milkshakes and stuff like that.”


Erik Lemaire (guitarist, Ariel): “Mariah Carey.”

Tracy Longo (guitarist, Led Zepagain): “When they start all the Christmas promotions too early and I have to start thinking about Christmas. Shopping is hell.”

Brian Lunetta (singer, the In Betweens): “Probably the overall commercialism of it all, and of course, having to spend time with the family.”

Dustin Maddalone (singer, Ska Daddyz): “It’s a drain on my bank account, but it’s also a good reason to get drunk.”

Scott Morris (guitarist, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy): “When Santa has gas.”

Brad Nack (singer and songwriter): “I always like the Christmas season--really--but hot weather ruins it for me. I’d like to go to Australia sometime. They have Christmas in the middle of the summer and Santa wears shorts in the mall.”

Will Rainbow (guitarist, Zoo Story): “Probably just the over-commercialization and all the materialistic hype going on.”

Robert Ramirez (guitarist, J.D.’s Last Ride): “Christmas commercials, definitely, but otherwise, it’s a happy time of year.”


J.R. Richard (singer, Dishwalla): “Unhappy people pretty much kills the Christmas spirit for me.”

Brandon Seiden (bass player, the Upbeat): “That’s hard because I like Christmas. There’s a lot of days in the year, and Christmas is just one of those days to be mellow and hang out with the family. Usually, I don’t have to work, so it’s just a day for us to enjoy ourselves.”

Scott Semple (guitarist, Contradiction): “It’s probably all the people out and about. I was out today, and everybody is shopping for the happiest holiday of all time, cutting you off in the parking lot, and cutting you off in line.”

Rob Travolta (bass player, Phooey): “It’s got to be elves. I don’t like elves.”
