
L.A. Speak : Tour Guide Talk


Archie Bunker n. a rube. “I had a busload of Archie Bunkers; they were snapping pictures of anyone in costume.

flag v. at a studio, an order to turn off the microphone while a scene is being filmed. From the red flag that security guards use to signal the guides.

guidelet n. a studio guide in training. “Have you seen the new summer guidelets? They’re so green they were excited just to meet Mike Myers.”


roadsidium n. any plant that a tour guide doesn’t recognize. “Every time someone asked what the red prickly thing was, I just kept saying ‘It’s a roadsidium.”’ Also: sidaroda.

spiel driver n. energetic, imaginative guide; often thought of as old school. “There aren’t many good spiel drivers left. Most of these young guys would make even Heidi Fleiss’ house sound boring.”

stall n. a pause during which a guide has to amuse the customers. “I had a 20-minute stall while they turned ‘Cabot Cove’ back into ‘Jaws Lake.”’

stay-with n. escorting VIPs during a studio tour. “I really lucked out this morning. I did a stay-with for Tom Hanks on the ‘Back to the Future’ ride.”

step-on n. a guide who boards the bus at a stop to tell the passengers about a tourist attraction.
