
Cypress : Trash Disposal Firm Rides to City’s Rescue


To Mayor Cecilia L. Age, the city’s trash disposal company is like the Seventh Cavalry coming to the rescue.

Age said that the chief executive of the company, Briggeman Industries, is a Good Samaritan by reaching out to help residents stricken by this week’s storm.

“I called up George Briggeman after I toured the devastated areas of Cypress on Thursday,” said Age on Friday. “I saw that many residents needed big trash bins to dispose of water-soaked rugs and things like that.”


Age said she had hoped that Briggeman would agree to offer storm-stricken residents a discount on large bins, which normally rent at $350 each.

“Instead, George said he would do it for free,” Age said. “Now, people in the flood areas are getting thousands of dollars worth of free trash disposal. I think it’s fantastic what he’s doing.”

Briggeman, in an interview, downplayed his donation. He estimated that the trash company is giving about $4,000 in free bin and trash-removal service.

He also said his company is donating free bins and service to flood-stricken areas of Seal Beach and Los Alamitos.

Briggeman estimated that his company is donating about $3,000 in services to Seal Beach and about $600 to Los Alamitos.

“I feel the residents of Cypress, Los Alamitos and Seal Beach help me make a living through the city contracts,” said Briggeman. “The least I can do is help them during this disaster. I couldn’t take money for that.”
