
Yaroslavsky Is Far Ahead in Campaign Funds Raised

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With a campaign war chest of $312,000, Barbara Yaroslavsky continues to lead the fund-raising race among candidates for the 5th District City Council seat, according to campaign statements released Thursday.

Her sizable contributions are the latest evidence that Yaroslavsky continues to be a leading candidate to fill the seat left vacant when her husband, Zev Yaroslavsky, resigned in December to become a member of the Board of Supervisors.

The primary election is April 11, and the general election is June 6. The district stretches from the San Fernando Valley to the Westside.


As of Jan. 1, Barbara Yaroslavsky had raised $279,000. Between then and Feb. 25, she raised another $33,000, according to the campaign statements. She has declined to accept matching funds from the city.

The campaign statements also showed:

* Mike Feuer, the former director of Bet Tzedek, a legal-aid clinic, was second in the amount raised, with $279,000, including $91,000 in matching funds. He had raised $119,500 by Jan. 1 and another $68,500 in the most recent period, in addition to the matching funds.

* Roberta Weintraub, a former Valley school board member, follows closely with $207,000, including $63,000 in matching funds. Before Jan. 1, she raised $106,000. In the most recent filing period, she raised another $38,000, in addition to the matching funds.


* Jeff Brain, a Sherman Oaks businessman, has raised $36,900. He has qualified for matching funds but has yet to file a request for the money, city officials said.

The city provides dollar-per-dollar matching funds to qualified candidates who raise at least $2,500. The matching funds are provided only for contributions of less than $250. A candidate who accepts the matching funds must abide by spending limits imposed under city bylaws.
