
Bad Feelings and Smell Linger After Meeting

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I attended a Feb. 2 community meeting to discuss odors emanating from the Tillman plant. To say it was a disappointment is a gross understatement.

Officials from various agencies (the departments of Water and Power, Parks and Recreation) insulted us with self-serving speeches about their successes, how the situation was under control and how back-burner “remedial measures” were presently being given “top priority” status--and that these measures were ahead of schedule.

Ross Perot could have learned a thing or two about charts--wow, were they impressive! Then City Councilman Marvin Braude further insulted us by insisting that we residents were lucky to be in the presence of outstanding, gifted city department leaders.

Mr. Braude, these officials created a monster--they bear responsibility for residents living contiguous to the basin experiencing noxious odors from their state-of-the-art reclamation plant.


Despite all the brilliant officials who addressed the community, the odors continue. Obviously something is not right. Residents can exert pressure on this intolerable situation if they become involved. While the developers sleep with the bureaucrats to pursue their programs, we residents sleep with the odors.


Van Nuys

Bagelman is president of the Lake Balboa Homeowners Assn.
