
ANAHEIM : Museum Exhibit Shows the History of Electric Utility

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Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the city’s electric utility, a new exhibit tracing its history will be unveiled today at the Anaheim Museum.

Anaheim was the first city in Southern California to own and operate its own utilities department and is still the only city in Orange County with its own electric utility, museum officials said.

The exhibit, called “Lighting the Way: 100 Years of Electric Power,” features photos, graphics, electric equipment and memorabilia that trace the development of the utility starting with the completion of its electric light plant in April, 1895.


“This is an opportunity for people to find out the contributions this department has made to the community over the years,” said Darrell Ament, president of the museum’s board of trustees.

“Anaheim’s operating its own electric utility has resulted in rates today that are 25% below those paid in neighboring communities,” said Ament, who is a retired 27-year employee of the department.

Exhibit previews and receptions for city employees and Anaheim Museum members will be today. The exhibit will open to the public Wednesday and will run through June 3.


Admission to the museum is free. It is at 241 S. Anaheim Blvd. Information: (714) 778-3301.
