
2 Hudson’s Grills in County Are Sold

<i> Compiled by Jack Searles</i>

Hudson’s Grill of America Inc., a Dallas-based restaurant chain that formerly was based in Ventura, has finally sold two Hudson’s Grills in Ventura County.

Sale of the units, in Westlake Village and Simi Valley, have been held up because of delays in obtaining regulatory approval, the company said. The purchaser is Davis Beckham, a former Hudson’s vice president.

David Osborn, Hudson’s president, said the transaction was held up because of staff shortages in California agencies overseeing the ownership transfer.


“And although a subsidiary of Hudson’s has begun operating our Whittier, Calif., Hudson’s Grill, we are hopeful that we will be able to sell that location to a franchisee too,” Osborn said.

Hudson’s has launched an ambitious franchising program in Texas and elsewhere.
