
Gunfire Hits La Habra Official’s Home; Shots Believed Gang-Related

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For the third time in the past year, the home of Councilwoman Dorothy May Rush was struck by gunfire early Sunday morning in a shooting believed to be gang-related, police said.

Rush was unharmed.

Reached at home Sunday, the councilwoman declined comment. “I would rather not” talk about it, said Rush, 60, who was elected to the City Council in November. “I can’t talk. I really can’t.”

Police said several shots were fired through a window and into the walls of Rush’s house, in the 200 block of East Grace Street. Her furniture also sustained some damage from the bullets, and a car parked nearby was also struck, Lt. Wayne Lowry said.


Investigators believe the shooting may have been gang-related, Lowry said.

Rush is known as an anti-gang activist and has been outspoken in her fight to rid her neighborhood of the gang violence, graffiti and rundown housing that plagues parts of it.

Last September, her home was sprayed with gunfire. Several days later, a smoldering bottle filled with gasoline was tossed through her bedroom window in the middle of the night. On Jan. 27, several shots were fired through Rush’s kitchen window.

Police said they are unsure if Sunday shooting is related to the previous incidents.

Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Mel Ruis or Sgt. Matt Stoner at (310) 905-9570 or the “Crime Tip” line at (310) 905-9611.
