
FROM DR. TURNER: It may shock a...

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FROM DR. TURNER: It may shock a few baby boomers, but it was 30 years ago that “Dr. Zhivago” was the movie of the year. Newly restored by Ted Turner, the movie will be screened by the new Orange County Film Office. . . . “We’ve been searching for the right event to kick off our ambitious fund-raising campaign,” says advisory board chairman Steve Bone. . . . The viewing is April 6 at the Edwards South Coast Plaza Village Cinema. Tickets--to raise money to promote film production in the county--are $50 each. Plus popcorn costs.

DOTING ON JIM? With Chapman University President James Doti’s on-the-run administrative style, you knew it was just a matter of time before he had his own TV show. Doti, an economist, begins hosting a half-hour “Economic Journal” on KOCE-TV Channel 50 on April 9. . . . It sometimes pays to know people in high circles. All five county supervisors have agreed to appear on the first show--for a little bankruptcy talk. If you miss it at 5 p.m., it repeats at midnight.

REFUND OFFER? With bankruptcy discussions everywhere, many are asking if this summer’s 17-day County Fair will be affected. Fair manager Becky Bailey-Findley’s surprise answer: Not only is the fair in good shape, it plans to return--for the first time--the $30,000 the state annually allocates it. . . . The fair board, she says, “wants to set a precedent for other fairs or government agencies.” . . . One good reason: 1995 fair revenue is projected at $12 million.


FLY AWAY: Not that La Palma has ever been a party town, but there’s a new crackdown befitting the city’s quiet image: Its council has joined a growing number of communities in banning “flyer parties.” That’s where you charge admission to your home party and attract guests through a flyer. . . . A problem with some flyer parties: They’re hosted by teens whose parents are out of town. La Palma Police Chief David Barr says of one such a party: “The teens were told to hold the fort down--instead they were going to raze the fort.”
