
LITTLE TOKYO : Relocated Library to Open Doors Friday


The Little Tokyo Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library will reopen at its new location Friday.

The branch’s new 5,000-square-foot space at 244 S. Alameda St. is on the first floor of the Neptune Building, which was recently renovated. The branch offers reading areas for children and adults, and an automated circulation system and computerized catalogue. The Little Tokyo branch, which was closed in February to prepare for the move, had been temporarily housed at the Centenary United Methodist Church.

The branch was established as an experimental facility in 1989 after Little Tokyo residents petitioned the library for a branch that would have Japanese and English language material about Japanese culture. The church offered a rent-free space and the Friends of the Little Tokyo Branch Library raised $50,000 for furnishings and equipment.


In 1991 the branch was designated as the 63rd branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

The reopening will follow library reopens following a 1 p.m. ceremony.
