
Nearly Everything That Floats


The organizers of the Marina del Rey Boat & Water Recreation Show will exhibit nearly everything that floats, thanks to some mighty marine maneuvers.

The 21st annual event, which begins today and continues through Sunday in Burton Chace Park, gives visitors a chance to view and shop for sail, power and personal craft, luxury cruisers, marine gear and services. Representatives from marine finance and insurance companies will also be on hand to answer questions.

“People who love to look at boats can come to the show and look at their dream boat,” said David de Ruyter, who is co-chairing the event. “There are also affordable boats for family excursions.”


Visitors can view a 72-foot schooner or a 68-foot motor yacht that may go for as much as $1 million. Other highlights include custom cruising boats, the newest in jetboat runabouts and an electric boat.

This year’s event, sponsored by the Marina del Rey Chamber of Commerce, has attracted about 100 exhibitors from Marina del Rey, Newport Beach, San Diego, Redondo Beach, Long Beach and Costa Mesa. Some arrived as early as Tuesday to prepare for the event, washing down decks and setting up booths.

Things get started at the world’s largest man-made small-craft harbor at noon today, with a series of seminars, exhibits and hands-on activities.

One of the show’s new features is the “demo dock,” which features free mini-sailing lessons taught by certified instructors from the American Sailing Assn. Southern California marine industry experts will talk about how to purchase a boat, fishing, safety and boat maintenance.

Besides practical advice, a “Destination Catalina” seminar, sponsored for the first time by Two Harbors at the Isthmus and the Catalina Conservancy, presents information on how to travel to Catalina by boat or ferry. The series includes mooring and hotel arrangements as well as cultural activities and material on wildlife.

The show is “a setting that is conducive for anyone who wants to spend a June day outdoors and learn about vacation opportunities in their own back yard,” said Rosalind Jarrett de Ruyter, co-chair of the event and owner of California Yachting Services in Marina del Rey.


The Marina del Rey Boat & Water Recreation Show will run today and Friday from noon to 8 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Burton Chace Park and Docks, end of Mindanao Way. Admission is $5 adults, free for children under 12 accompanied by an adult. Information: (310) 821-0555.
