
The Loss of ABC’s ‘Boys’


It seems that ABC has not yet learned the importance of positive images of minority families on television (“The Reasons ‘Boys’ Didn’t Make the Cut,” Calendar, May 18). The recent cancellation of “Me and the Boys,” an ABC production about a single black father raising three sons, has me concerned with what ABC thinks good programming is!

With all the negative stereotypes toward black males in our society, it is refreshing to see a show that deals in a positive manner with the relationship of a father and his sons. Although I applaud ABC for keeping “Family Matters” and “Hangin’ With Mr. Cooper,” which are positive shows about African American families, “Boys” dealt with the issue of being a single father, which is becoming a norm in many families.

I thought the networks wanted shows with high ratings and a strong following. Was I wrong?


Sherman Oaks
