
Anti-Loitering Bill Will Help Fight Crime


* Congratulations and thanks to Assemblyman Richard Katz for shepherding his Assembly Bill 1035 through committee and the full Assembly. This important and much needed legislation will give the necessary tools to local law enforcement to deal with loitering as it pertains to drug dealing and prostitution. The bill must next clear the Senate and be signed by the governor before it can become law. Residents should contact their senators and urge support for this legislation.

Believe it or not, certain state legislators who represent areas with high street crime actually opposed this bill on the grounds that it might be discriminatory. If the police and law-abiding citizens don’t have the right to discriminate against street criminals and those elements that foster drug dealing and prostitution, then why have any laws at all?

The war against street crime pits our undermanned Police Department and concerned citizens against an overwhelming number of organized gang members. The police are in desperate need of any legal tools available to narrow these unfair odds.


Until our ultra-liberal politicians begin to show less concern for the rights of the criminal element, our communities will continue to be havens for criminals.


Van Nuys

Schultz is president of the Van Nuys Homeowners Assn.
