
Custody to Killer


* On June 20 The Times reported a tragedy of a father killing himself and his two children while they were with him because the court had awarded him partial custody. Why did the family court permit this arrangement?

This is the second such tragedy occurring recently on court-ordered time that I know of. This was a father who abused amphetamines, attacked his wife and threatened to kill her, and had threatened to kill his entire family. He had restraining orders served against him ordered by another court and was under investigation by police. His wife was attempting to divorce him. There were many factors predictive of violence present and yet the family court did not rescind his partial custody. Apparently the family court does not know about or pay attention to criminal actions or restraining orders from another court.

The family court must find a better way to protect the children of violent fathers.


Chairperson, Los Angeles City

Domestic Violence Task Force
