
Private Group Given Oversight of Trails


As a cost-saving measure, Ventura County supervisors have agreed to transfer administrative and planning responsibilities for a regional trails system to a private nonprofit foundation.

The board voted unanimously Tuesday to transfer oversight of the proposed trails system to the Ventura County Trails Foundation, a 2-year-old organization of hikers, bikers and horseback riders.

The supervisors also agreed to give the foundation $13,000 as seed money for developing a long-term financing plan for the ambitious program. The county has proposed developing a vast network of bikeways, hiking paths and horseback trails that would ultimately link local cities.


Plans call for the trails system to be developed over the next 20 to 30 years. Aimed at encouraging people to walk or bicycle to work, the trail system would help the county reduce smog by taking more cars off the road, officials said.

Most of the money for the trails project is expected to come from grants, donations and corporate sponsors.
