
Cities Get Federal Grants to Hire More Police


The Huntington Beach and Santa Ana police departments will receive more than $560,000 in grants intended to put more police officers on the streets, officials announced Tuesday.

The money is part of a federal $13 million Community Oriented Policing Services MORE (COPS MORE) fund distributed among 14 California police and sheriff departments, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said in a prepared statement.

“These COPS MORE grants take officers out from behind the desks and places them where they are needed most: on the streets,” Feinstein said.


Law enforcement agencies will use the money to upgrade computer systems and hire enough civilian administrative assistants to deploy police officers now in office positions, said Susan Kennedy, a spokeswoman for Feinstein.

In Huntington Beach, the grant should free 20 additional patrol officers at a cost of $332,250, according to figures released by Feinstein’s office.

Santa Ana will receive $228,910 to put 10 more officers on the streets, the same figures show.
