
FULLERTON : Hall to Remain Open as Council Weighs Its Fate


The Ice House banquet hall will stay open for another six months while the City Council continues to debate whether to revoke the facility’s entertainment permit.

Council members voted this week to allow the hall to continue operating temporarily.

Earlier this year, police urged the city to close down the hall, a popular neighborhood location for wedding, birthday, anniversary and baptismal parties, after several violent incidents, including a stabbing, occurred there.

The council considered revoking the hall’s permit but delayed action because the police chief and the hall’s owner, George Bushala, said they were devising strict rules and conditions for the Ice House’s operation.


The permit was challenged again in June after more violence, including shootings, erupted in connection with parties at the hall. The council did not revoke the permit at that time because Police Chief Patrick E. McKinley said that Bushala had agreed to close the business if more violence occurred.
