
IRVINE : Schools Will Drop Early-Release Policy

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Complaints from merchants about loitering teens have prompted two middle schools to end their policy of releasing students early on Wednesdays. Instead, they’ll come to school a little bit later.

The early-release schedule at Rancho San Joaquin and South Lake middle schools was intended to give teachers additional time for lesson planning. Now, teachers will use early Wednesday mornings for planning sessions, with students arriving at school at about 9 a.m.

The scheduling change was also requested by Irvine police, a school official said.

“The police found this to be a situation where they actually had to increase patrols on Wednesday afternoons in those areas,” said Tom Burnham, Irvine Unified School District’s board president. “It became a public safety issue.”


But school board member Margie Wakeham called it more of a policy decision for the school district: “I personally think it’s regrettable that the schools need to be baby-sitters, but I do know that most parents work.”

Wakeham said only a small number of students from both schools were in nearby shopping centers on Wednesdays. “That’s what kids like to do,” she said. “They like to get together and just hang out.”
