
A New Home for ‘House’?


The times they are a-changin’ in dear old show-biz! TV creators Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and Harry Thomason took a look at the final five episodes of their “Woman in the House” series, starring the inimitable Delta Burke. They also looked at the lackadaisical manner in which CBS was treating the show.

So Harry went to the powers at CBS, Les Moonves and Billy Campbell, and he just asked for the episodes back! The network generously gave them up. Then Harry took the shows to Lifetime, which will make a very big deal of them. (The cable channel, which syndicates “Designing Women,” is berserk with joy!)

The last five shows air in a regular Delta-festival Sept. 8, for two hours! And the final episode--a telling piece about violence against women--stars not only Delta, but Roseanne, Brett Butler, Deirdre Hall, Carol Burnett and Marilyn Chambers.


I asked Harry if “Woman in the House”--all about congresswoman Suzanne Sugarbaker’s adventures in Washington--might have a second life on Lifetime. He said: “I don’t know. Maybe. I’ll say this--Lifetime is really excited. And Linda and I are grateful for the generosity shown us by CBS.”
