
Schools Emerged From Fiscal Crisis Thanks to Sacrifices of Teachers


* Re: “Schools Pass Economics Test,” (Sept. 3):

Conspicuously absent from the story on Orange County’s response to the loss of revenue was the enormous contribution, mostly involuntary, on the part of instructional staff. [The story] only reinforces the public perception that schools, through prudent stewardship by administration, can emerge relatively unscathed from any crisis. It suggests that we have dodged another bullet but emerged stronger just by canceling a few field trips and computer orders. Administrators are loath to admit that teachers made up the deficit--the hard way.

Over $2 million in the Huntington Beach Union High School District’s deficit came from reducing our health benefits by $1,000 per employee and appropriating $1.2 million from the 2.73% state [cost-of-living allowance], our first in four years. There is nothing creative here--the teachers funded and will continue to fund the recovery at the school district.


President, District Educators Assn.

Huntington Beach Union High School District
