
PORT HUENEME : Harbor Days Gala to Begin Saturday


The 41st annual Port Hueneme Harbor Days celebration will take place Saturday and Sunday at Hueneme Beach, featuring a colorful parade, fishing derby, 10K run, sports tournaments, music and food.

The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. Saturday with a parade of marching bands, equestrians, dancers and novelty entries. The procession will travel from Ventura Road along Surfside Drive to Port Hueneme Road.

The fishing derby will take place at 7:30 a.m. Sunday on the Hueneme Pier, and the 10K run will begin at 8 a.m. Sunday at Port Hueneme Beach Park.


Both days will feature a diverse group of entertainers and musical acts, arts and crafts, food booths, children’s treasure hunts and softball and tennis tournaments.

Organizers are asking visitors to bring a can of food for the Ventura County Rescue Mission’s Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners.

For information, call 985-0314.
