
LAKE FOREST : City Manager Search Down to 15 Applicants

The City Council narrowed the search for a new city manager this week to 15 candidates from an original field of 107 applications.

“We’re going along pretty smoothly,” Interim City Manager Murray Warden said. “There’ll probably be nothing definitive coming up for about another six weeks.”

Council members are reviewing the applications a final time and deciding which of the remaining candidates will be brought to City Hall for interviews.


Warden declined to specify who has made the cut so far, but he did say that applications came from as far away as New Jersey and as close as Orange County.

The council could bring in all 15 remaining candidates, but “normally, it gets down to six or eight people,” Warden said. “That makes for a manageable group to interview.”

The next city manager will likely have experience with issues facing Lake Forest including redevelopment, annexation and military base closures, Warden said.


Final interviews are expected to take place about mid-November, and Lake Forest residents could have a new city manager by Christmas, Warden said.
