
Where the Candidates Stand

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The candidates and their positions in the race to succeed Assemblywoman Doris Allen if she is recalled Nov. 28

Scott R. Baugh

Political affiliation: Republican

Age: 33

Occupation: Lawyer with Union Pacific Railroad

Family: Single

Education: Bachelor’s degree, Liberty University, Virginia; law degree, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento

Funds raised: $168,956

Experience: Trustee of Los Angeles Harbor Community College Foundation

On the Issues

What is your position on abortion, including whether you think the government should be restricted from funding abortions?


“I am a pro-life candidate and I do not believe the government should be involved in funding abortions.”

What is your position on the Doris Allen recall, and how will you vote on it on Nov. 28.?

“I will vote yes on recall.”

Do you support school vouchers?


Do you support prayer in schools or a moment of silence?

“I support a moment of silence.”

Do you support banning welfare funds for teen-age mothers and limiting increases for women who have additional children while on welfare?

“I support banning welfare funds going to teen-age mothers if their parents are alive and capable of taking care of them. If it is a teen-age mother who has no parents and is a ward of the state, certainly we have to provide some assistance.”


What is your position on gun control, including banning semiautomatic assault weapons and Saturday night specials and requiring a waiting period for purchase of firearms?

“I am against any further restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.”


Shirley Carey

Political affiliation: Republican

Age: 56

Occupation: Nursing consultant

Family: Married, three children

Education: Graduate, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY

Funds raised: $11,900

Experience: Huntington Beach City School District trustee since 1990; member, California School Boards Assn.; Huntington Beach Community Services Commission; 15-year member of the PTA

On the Issues

What is your position on the Doris Allen recall, and how will you vote on it on Nov. 28.?

“I have maintained a neutral position on the recall because I think it is wasteful in terms of money, particularly because Allen is at the end of her term.”


What is your position on abortion, including whether you think the government should be restricted from funding abortions?

“As an adoptive parent, I support adoption as an alternative to abortion and I teach and preach sexual responsibility. But I am pro-choice and believe this is a decision that should be made by the physician and patient. I think it discriminates against poor women to forbid government funding of abortions.”

Do you support school vouchers?

“I support school choice within the public school system and vouchers, if they stay within the public system.”

Do you support prayer in schools or a moment of silence?

“I would support a moment of silence but I don’t support teacher-led or administrator-led prayer in schools.”

Do you support banning welfare funds for teen-age mothers and limiting increases for women who have additional children while on welfare?

“I support tying welfare to work for able-bodied individuals, but we need to protect the health and welfare of children. I would not support additional welfare funding for additional children, but there may be individual cases where it is appropriate.”


What is your position on gun control, including banning semiautomatic assault weapons and Saturday night specials and requiring a waiting period for purchase of firearms?

“I basically believe in the right to bear arms, but I do not see a need for military-style weapons. I believe a waiting period is reasonable.”


Don MacAllister

Political affiliation: Republican

Age: 62

Occupation: Marketing company president

Family: Married, three grown daughters

Education: Graduate, Pasadena City College

Funds raised: $18,948

Experience: Former 13-year Huntington Beach city councilman; former mayor; board of directors, Huntington National Bank; former trustee, Huntington Beach Union High School District; current chairman, Surfing Walk of Fame

On the Issues

What is your position on the Doris Allen recall, and how will you vote on it on Nov. 28.?

“I was not active in the recall and I will vote no on the recall. I do not believe in using a recall unless there is a criminal or immoral act involved.”

What is your position on abortion, including whether you think the government should be restricted from funding abortions?

“I believe in less government control so I believe the choice should be up to individuals and their families. I do not believe government should fund abortions.”


Do you support school vouchers?

“School vouchers might be a way to start educational reform but they will not solve our current educational problems and, if anything, they will put our school system in more of a financial bind.”

Do you support prayer in schools or a moment of silence?

“Yes, I support prayer and/or a moment of silence in schools.”

Do you support banning welfare funds for teen-age mothers and limiting increases for women who have additional children while on welfare?

“Welfare should be used as it was originally intended, for a limited period of time, not as a way of life. I am against giving additional money to mothers who have additional babies because it has become a source of income.”

What is your position on gun control, including banning semiautomatic assault weapons and Saturday night specials and requiring a waiting period for purchase of firearms?

“I believe very strongly in the right to bear arms and have arms of all types, but I have no problem with a short waiting period.”


Linda Moulton-Patterson

Political affiliation: Democrat

Age: 52

Occupation: Public school teacher

Family: Husband, Jerry, attorney and former Orange County congressman; four children, one grandson.


Education: Bachelor’s degree, UC Berkeley; master’s degree in public policy, Cal State Long Beach; teaching credential, UC Irvine

Funds raised: $64,578

Experience: Former Huntington Beach councilwoman and mayor, 1990-94; California Coastal Commission member, 1991-95; former government affairs vice president for cable television firm; runs government affairs consulting business while teaching

On the Issues

What is your position on the Doris Allen recall, and how will you vote on it on Nov. 28.?

“I’ve taken a very neutral position and we hope people will vote their conscience. . . . I think frivolous recalls are wrong.”

What is your position on abortion, including whether you think the government should be restricted from funding abortions?

Actively pro-choice for more than 20 years, involved in women’s groups supporting the issue. Also supports medical funding for the indigent.

Do you support school vouchers?

Opposed the voucher initiative in 1994 and would oppose similar efforts in the future.

Do you support prayer in schools or a moment of silence?

“I don’t think any schoolteacher I know has denied a child a moment of silence if they want to take it. But I’m certainly against prayer in schools. I believe in separation of church and state.”


Do you support banning welfare funds for teen-age mothers and limiting increases for women who have additional children while on welfare?

Opposes anything that takes away from young children and mothers, but wants reforms to prevent able-bodied adults from collecting welfare and setting time limits.

What is your position on gun control, including banning semiautomatic assault weapons and Saturday night specials and requiring a waiting period for purchase of firearms?

“I’m for reasonable gun control and I’m certainly for banning assault weapons.”


Source: Individual candidates and campaign finance reports
