
Bulky-Item Trash a Problem in Pacoima


Jim Bonebreak gets mad when people dump on him, literally.

When Bonebreak arrived for work Friday morning, he found piles and piles of about 250 tires strewn across the front of his cabinetmaking shop and two other businesses at an industrial park at 12424 Montague St.

“Pacoima’s got a dumping problem,” he said in frustration. “On any street you want, you can find a couch or two. It’s depressing. It’s like a garbage dump.”

Bonebreak, 47, of Studio City has worked out of the gray 50-unit building for the past 10 years and is annoyed that he has “to drive through trash,” such as old mattresses and sofas, sitting along the streets to get to work.


Police Officer John Hummel of the Community Service Department of the Foothill Division coordinated the removal of the tires, which was completed by midafternoon.

Chuck Ellis, spokesman for the city’s storm-water program, said most residents are unaware that the city has a bulky-item pickup program in which old mattresses, couches and refrigerators can be hauled away for free. Instead, he said, people find empty lots, alleys and remote areas to dump their debris.

“It’s up to the residents to let us know,” Ellis said. “It’s a tremendous problem all over the city.” People who illegally dump trash and are caught can face up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

For city pickup of bulky items, call (800) 773-2489.
