
Westside : LAPD to Open Drop-In Center at Farmers Market

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If there’s a problem that the Los Angeles Police Department can handle or a police report to file, there’s a good chance that officers will be on hand to help out at the LAPD’s new community drop-in center at the Farmers Market in Lo Angeles’ Fairfax District.

The department is scheduled to open the center today in a ceremony attended by Chief Willie L. Williams and other city officials.

The Farmers Market donated the space for the new center.

Called the Police Corner, the drop-in spot will be open to officers 24 hours a day so they can fill out paperwork, make telephone calls and coordinate community policing activities. The LAPD has not determined how many hours a day the center will be open to the public. That depends on how many volunteers offer to work in the new facility.


The police center will be open to the public at least during normal business hours, when residents will be able to get information, discuss security issues in the community and file complaints, said Farmers Market spokesman David Hamlin.

“With all the foot traffic at the Farmers Market, the center will be busy,” he said.

Similar police centers have been opened in Pan Pacific Park and Larchmont Village.
