
Holden on Legal Costs

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* Once again, The Times has attacked me with a hard-hitting, negative editorial (Nov. 28). The editorial’s overall viewpoint seems to be that taxpayer money should never have been used to resolve the sexual harassment charges brought against me, three male deputies and a female deputy (all of us in our 60s). If we’re innocent (and we are and have been declared the same by a court of law) and we’re accused of sexual harassment as employees of Los Angeles, who should pay for our defense? Ourselves? How can that be when the city is also sued? In my case, a settlement offer was initiated by the plaintiff in which I was offered a full acquittal if I allowed a contract dispute to be continued against the city. I refused.

The editorial did not point out that there were originally five defendants in the case, including one woman. Also, 75% of the work on the second and final case, set for trial in January, has already been completed. The Times makes it appear that $1 million has just been thrown away for nothing. I believe that the good names of five individuals who have worked for the city for many years are worth the cost. Also, Marlee Beyda was suing for $3.1 million. Should the city have just given up and signed a check over to her for that amount? It might easily have done that if I hadn’t fought back. We won this case.

It may be hard for some to accept, but $1 million is money well-spent if it culminates in a reduction of the millions of dollars thrown away by the city as it simply settles cases. We should make certain that the city seeks punitive damages when frivolous cases are filed against the city and Los Angeles goes to trial and wins. We’ll get at least part of the money back.


Finally, let me make it very clear. There is only one other sexual harassment case against me, making it a total of two. (The case involving Connie Collins was thrown out because of lack of merit.) It is essential that everyone understand that there isn’t some long line of women out there with lawsuits against me. There is one to go and I’m confident my name will be cleared in that one as well. Make no mistake about it, sexual harassment is a serious, important issue and I strongly support actions to fight it in the private and public workplace.


Councilman, 10th District
