
Policy on Access Is Common Sense


Re: the teachers union protesting Oxnard High School Principal Daisy Tatum’s strict policy on access keys to the site. The protest is ridiculous. Either union officials are uninformed or not concerned as to district losses.

These losses not only apply to equipment such as computers, typewriters, television sets, telephones, educational supplies and books, but also to cafeteria supplies and equipment, janitorial supplies and equipment, maintenance equipment, tools and supplies, auto shop, wood shop tools, equipment and supplies, landscape equipment tools and supplies as well as a variety of athletic supplies and equipment.

Teachers, staff, students and burglars abscond with these materials and equipment and, in some instances, use them in their private businesses. Teachers elsewhere have been known to give a student keys to the premises to assist on a special occasion and the student has left campus and made duplicates before returning them.


We should be commending Mrs. Tatum, not challenging her security consciousness and common sense.

Richard W. Green

Thousand Oaks
