
North Hills : Boy Scouts Serve Up Breakfast to Homeless

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They awoke before dawn Wednesday, a groggy group of Boy Scouts from Troop 911 who set out to deliver a bit of hope to the San Fernando Valley’s homeless population in the form of pancakes and sandwiches.

About 20 members of the Northridge-based troop spent the morning at Sepulveda United Methodist Church in North Hills serving pancakes and sausages for about 200 people, said Verna Porter, chairwoman of the church’s 17-year-old “Caring and Sharing” program. “It’s a very rewarding program because people are grateful for what they get,” she said.

Justin Kaltenbach, 15, said the Scouts also gave each visitor a package with sandwiches, candy, cheese and crackers.


“You get a good feeling inside helping out people who are less fortunate,” he said.

The Scouts donated about $300 worth of food for the event, said Chuck Mortensen, who accompanied his son Chas, 17.

Porter, who’s been with the program from the start, said she’s extremely thankful for the Scouts’ help and noted that for many of them it’s an eye-opening occasion.

“It’s a real good experience for them to know there are people who desperately need help,” she said.
