
TECHNOLOGY - Jan. 18, 1996

Times Staff and Wire Reports

2 Companies Plan to Develop Interactive Phone Network: San Diego-based Enova Corp. and the Dutch company Philips Electronics said that in the next six months, they will install 30,000 Philips screen phones in Southern California. These combine voice capabilities with a text screen, keyboard and built-in computer. Consumers will have access to services such as electronic mail, energy information, electronic banking, text message paging, stock quotes and sports scores, the companies said. The launch will be in San Diego. Enova, the parent company of San Diego Gas & Electric, plans to invest about $125 million to launch the project, an Enova spokeswoman said. A Philips spokesman declined to say how much Philips Home Services, the Burlington, Mass.-based screen telephone and interactive services unit of the Dutch electronics company, is investing in the venture.
