
Kaelin Finishes Second Day of Deposition in Simpson Case


Lawyers pressing wrongful death lawsuits against O.J. Simpson questioned former Simpson guest house tenant Brian “Kato” Kaelin for a second day in West Los Angeles on Thursday about the former football star’s relationship with his ex-wife.

They also questioned Kaelin on the events of June 12, 1994, when Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Lyle Goldman were murdered.

“There was definitely new information” raised in Kaelin’s deposition during questioning by Daniel M. Petrocelli, attorney for Goldman’s father, said attorney Michael A. Brewer, who represents Goldman’s mother. He declined to elaborate.


Overall, Brewer said, the deposition was “potentially very helpful” to the plaintiffs.

Brewer said Simpson “was more controlled” as he watched the deposition than he had been Wednesday when he frequently muttered, according to plaintiffs’ lawyers.

When Simpson lawyer Robert C. Baker got his turn, he asked Kaelin about any money he had made off the case. Kaelin’s response was not disclosed.

Kaelin’s deposition is scheduled to resume Tuesday. The lawyers said Simpson’s deposition, originally to resume Monday, has been rescheduled for Wednesday.
