
Skinheads Everybody’s Problem


You recent articles regarding hate crimes and skinhead activity in Huntington Beach should come as no surprise to residents of this city and county. When our elected leaders support and encourage legislation blaming and discrediting minorities, this type of behavior is endorsed. When city leaders spend much of their time demeaning public employees and inciting public anger, positive role modeling fails to exist. When city leaders care more about carnivals and festivals than quality-of-life issues, we are left with the remnants. And when they worry more about dogs defecating on Main Street than human-rights issues, we know priorities are upside down. There does seem to be some relief in sight. Recent publicity of these crimes should cause city leaders to worry about our reputation, and possible loss of business revenue. This will get everyone’s attention, and it’s about time.


Huntington Beach


* “O.C. Merchants Feel Menaced by Skinhead Gangs” was the headline of a front-page article in The Times on Feb. 7. On the next day, an editorial headlined “Surf-Side Hatemongering” carried the newspaper’s opinion on this same issue.

Both referred to the beating of a Native American man, the editorial stating he “did not have the ‘right answer’ for a self-described Klansman. . . .” Perhaps the “right answer” would be an undercover operation against these thugs.


Undercover agents posing as fishermen arrested a man for shooting a sea lion; “sting” operations with women police officers posing as prostitutes are a common occurrence in most larger cities. Why not use these same tactics on the cowardly scum that makes a practice of attacking or harassing minorities? These types of people are more likely to attempt their criminal behavior if they don’t see uniformed police officers in their vicinity.


Santa Ana


* I read the Feb. 6 article, “Racial Hatred Called Motive in O.C. Stabbing,” with great sadness. This article was about two white supremacists who spent their evening verbally attacking minorities near the Huntington Beach Pier, then chasing and knifing a Native American 27 times. This crime is so horrendous I was physically sickened. My prayers are for the recovery of this unfortunate young man and for the comfort of his family.

The Main Street and pier area has long been infested by skinheads who delight in yelling racial slurs and harassing others. My husband, nephew, sons and visiting friends have all been victims of their verbal attacks on several occasions. This is not the kind of reputation Huntington Beach deserves, and I certainly hope that the Huntington Beach police can put the pressure on to make life very difficult for these thugs.

I know several Huntington Beach police officers, and they have little tolerance for this immoral, abusive behavior. I have every confidence in them that they will do whatever is necessary to put a stop to this dangerous group. This gang mentality is really scary.

The suspect’s parents may be very nice people, as described by their neighbors, but their son, an admitted KKK member and accused attempted murderer, can hardly be described as “pretty typical of most teenagers today.” Please, parents, wake up and recognize the gravity of the hate messages espoused by white supremacists and their colleagues. They are like a cancer on society. Promote peace and tolerance before it is too late.


Huntington Beach


* The story on skinheads in Huntington Beach and the knee-jerk reaction of the power structure to assign the rank-and-file police to solve this problem is all too typical.


Not only have we demanded our police to prevent alcohol, drug and spousal abuse, now we will ask them to wave their magic batons and end racism forever in Huntington Beach.

Perhaps if parents, schools, private and public organizations would do their job, the police could do theirs.


Huntington Beach


* The Nazi skinheads roaming downtown Huntington Beach loathe Jews, blacks and Mexicans. People should understand that, more than anybody, they loathe themselves.


Huntington Beach
