
AIR WARS: Has United’s Shuttle to Northern...

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AIR WARS: Has United’s Shuttle to Northern California dethroned low-cost leader Southwest? Maybe not yet, but United is still in the battle, staffer Patrice Apodaca reports (D1). . . . Meantime, Southwest is adding flights from Burbank. Starting June 18, Southwest will have nine round-trip flights to San Jose and will boost Sacramento service.

TOP THIS: Pizza is making its way to the Far East--with some variations. Popular toppings include shrimp, catsup and Chinese vegetables. Sardine pizza is the rage in Russia, and Belgians like theirs with curry. . . . In the mix: Van Nuys-based Numero Uno, looking for growth (D7A).

PARTY ON: On March 26, Republicans will gather at the Universal Hilton to celebrate state primary results. Today, party officials will tour the ballrooms with reporters to decide who gets the best camera locations. . . . All the presidential hopefuls will be invited to stay at the Hilton. But since Bob Dole has most of the major state endorsements, other candidates may stay away.
