
CAMPAIGN ’96 : The Battle for N.Y.


Steve Forbes overcame huge obstacles to qualify for the ballot statewide, but whether he can upset Sen. Bob Dole in today’s primary remains doubtful. A total of 93 delegates are at stake; Dole, with strong backing from state GOP leaders, seeks a sweep. Patrick J. Buchanan is on the ballot in 23 districts. New York officials put the primary on Thursday to avoid the Jewish holiday of Purim, which was Tuesday. That is likely to cause a low turnout, which may affect the race.

The people


Total: 18,193,530

White: 67%

Black: 15%

Latino: 13%

Other: 5%

1992 general election

Clinton: 50%

Bush: 34%

Perot: 16%

Political Portrait

8,858,289 registered voters

Republicans: 31%

Democrats: 46%

Others: 23%

Median family income

New York: $38,449

U.S.: $34,761


Violent Crimes Per 100,000 Population

N.Y.: 966

U.S.: 716


New York: 6.0%

U.S.: 5.5%

Elected Officials

Gov. George Pataki (R)

Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D)

Sen. Alfonse D’Amato (R)

House delegation: 14 Republicans / 17 Democrats

Primary report

Number of delegates: 102 (93 at stake in primary; 9 chosen later by state GOP chairman)

Time polls close (PST): 6 p.m.

Method: Direct election of delegates in ecah of state’s 31 congressional districts.

Total delegates to date:

Buchanan: 51

Dole: 276

Forbes: 69

Needed to nominate: 996

Researched by ROB CIOE and MALOY MOORE / Los Angeles Times

Source: U.S. Census, Claritas Inc., various media sources
