
Look Creatively at Saving Open Space


I have great respect for Rep. Anthony Beilenson’s contributions to the Santa Monica Mountains, but unfortunately his letter of March 3 blaming Republicans for shortfalls in funding for the Santa Monicas is rather typical of the partisan bickering we have to rise above if we are to address real issues.

It is a fact that critical funding for the Santa Monicas was included in the balanced budget plan submitted by Congress to President Clinton. Unfortunately, it is also a fact that the president then vetoed that budget.

Clearly, the years of high federal appropriations for land acquisitions in the Santa Monicas are at least temporarily on hold. But in the meantime, we should be busy looking at other creative methods of open space protection, including easements, rights transfers, matching grants and federal land exchanges, all with a greater sensitivity to straight dealing with both the public and private property owners.


As California’s former growth management director and top land-use official, and as the current public member on the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy board, I understand the importance of this priceless asset of open space and greenery on the edge of an urban area of 15 million people.

If I am elected to Congress this fall, I plan to assiduously support the Santa Monicas as Congressman Beilenson did in his turn, in ways appropriate for his times. I also think I can be more effective, as a Republican environmentalist, in dealing with the new congressional majority on this as well as other issues important to our district.


