
Holiday Eggcitement on the Internet

Bloomberg Business News

Easter egg hunts have hopped from the backyard to the highway--the information highway, that is. The Internet features several spots to exercise your egg-spying abilities.

There’s the Internet Easter Egg Hunt at This spot is great for kids and adults because there are three levels of difficulty. The winner is posted at the end of the hunt.

At the Great Internet Easter Egg Hunt, the trick is to find egg icons hidden on normal Internet pages. When you find one, click on it and you’re on your way to the next site.


What to do with all the eggs you’ve collected? A site called Egg Safety at will take you step by step through safe egg coloring and eating. There are natural dye suggestions and a couple of recipes.

If you’re celebrating Passover, there’s a matzo hunt at This site also offers the story of Passover and an explanation of the Seder and the “four questions.” If your computer is properly equipped, you can hear some holiday music.
