
Monterey Memo


If solitude is what Robin Roy Gress wanted, why did she go to the Monterey Aquarium on opening day? (“Immersion Experience,” Weekend Escape, March 10). This was an event in the making for several years. Wondrous as it is, there were crowds of people and lots of children. So she did not like her dinner on Fisherman’s Wharf--there must be at least 30 restaurants to choose from. She did not allow enough time to park the car at Montrio restaurant, then Montrio lost her reservations, but was able to seat her in less than 10 minutes. It takes longer than that at your corner McDonald’s in L.A. I’m pleased she enjoyed her splendid dinner and beer. I hope her review does not discourage the 1 million visitors yearly to Monterey and the aquarium. Maybe she will have better luck on the next visit.


Los Angeles


“What we wanted was silence and solitude.” What a way to start an article and to get the attention of my wife and me. I certainly enjoyed the article about the addition to the Monterey Aquarium, and will go there before long. But my wife and I, while somewhat in the minority, are certainly not the only readers who travel with silence and solitude as one of the most important criteria. But where can one go and be reasonably assured of finding these attributes? There ought to be travel articles and books written specifically for those of us enjoy travel, but who seek places primarily for rest, relaxation, silence and solitude for the purpose of unwinding or study or reading.


Santa Ana
