
No Rest: Volunteers who gathered 1,000 Ventura...

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No Rest: Volunteers who gathered 1,000 Ventura County signatures aren’t relaxing now that the Liveable Wage Initiative has qualified for the November ballot, with 530,000 signatures statewide. . . . The campaign to kick California’s minimum wage from $4.25 an hour to $5.75 enters a phase of walking precincts, conducting voter registration drives and stumping at community meetings, said Eileen McCarthy, a volunteer with the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation. . . . She expects “an all-out effort to get it passed in November.”

Watchful Eye: Someday, someone may mount an exhibit of these photos, grainy images of harried moms frozen in mid-blanch or joy-riding teens caught in permanent ya-hoo. . . . Now Ventura is considering joining Oxnard and other cities around California in mounting cameras at intersections to catch people running red lights. . . . Statewide, 75 cities are, like Ventura, studying the concept, says Tom Mericle, associate city traffic engineer. Another 25 or 30 are starting programs, and about half a dozen are up and running.

Sinking Ships? With Gov. Pete Wilson threatening to dismantle the state Department of Boating and Waterways, some local recreation honchos are scrambling for grants before it’s too late (B1). . . . Lake Piru’s Doug West, above, said he would apply for $1 million to expand a boat ramp. “There’s a definite lack of access to water spots in California,” he said. “Now there will be less money for things like that.”


Pop Quiz: Faced with a $19-million deficit in the county budget, the Board of Supervisors could cut A) $4.5 million in education benefits for county employees, B) $2.4 million in car allowances and longevity pay for county employees, C) $38,100 to subsidize child care for some county employees. . . . The supervisors decided Tuesday to consider C (B1).
