
Countywide Film Commission Coming Into Focus

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Film producer Bill Hillman had hoped to shoot a film in his own county a couple of years ago but found it was too much of a hassle. Ventura County was lacking something that dozens of other counties already have, something that could have made production a breeze--a film commission.

“A film commission assists with the permitting process, introduces you to film-friendly companies, shows you around,” said Hillman, who runs SpectroMedia, an Oxnard-based film production company. “It makes life real easy.”

Several permitting headaches later, Hillman moved production to San Pedro, which had a film commission. “It still breaks my heart,” Hillman said. “I wanted to shoot here.”


Two years later, Ventura County is on the verge of finally forming a film commission whose mission would be to attract movie companies to the county and keep them happy once they’re here.

A luncheon advertising the idea to area businesses and civic leaders raised enough money to incorporate a skeletal commission beginning next month.

“We’ll start with a volunteer staff and work toward raising more money to hire an executive director and some assistants,” said John Lockhart, a film commission booster. Lockhart said the $100,000 needed for the commission would probably come from a combination of private donations and city funding.


Many at the luncheon said they looked forward to the possibility of bringing more business to the county.

“It’s a good source of economic activity and it helps promote the area as a whole,” former Ventura Mayor Tom Buford said. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a fun industry in town. Everybody loves being around a camera.”
