
Trash Collection Fee Cut by 65 Cents

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Residents’ monthly trash rate will drop about 65 cents because of a recent rollback in county landfill fees, city officials said.

Beginning July 1, the garbage collection fee will be $12.64 for each household, down from $13.29. The change was authorized by the city staff’s and requires no City Council vote.

The decrease was passed on by city trash hauler Browning-Ferris Industries after the county reduced its landfill fees in April.


City officials said they were pleased with the rate reduction and with the city’s recycling rate, now about 40%. That gives Mission Viejo a comfortable margin over the 25% level required by the state.

When BFI took over the city’s trash contract in September, there were some complaints that collections were not being made on time. City officials said this week that the problems seem to have been solved.
