
Public’s Support of Libraries Appreciated

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* I am responding to the comments by Oscar Gonzalez, spokesman for the Ventura County Mexican-American Bar Assn., in the June 10 article about public support for extra funds for police protection. Mr. Gonzalez was quoted as saying that he would like to see more money for libraries, parks and after-school programs for children.

As a library trustee and active member of Friends of the Oxnard Public Library, my deepest thanks to Mr. Gonzalez. Libraries cannot solve all public problems, but library programs for youth create positive experiences for young people as opposed to hand wringing.

The Oxnard Public Library is used heavily by teenagers after school; there are more school-age students than adults in the library between the hours of 3:30 and 7 p.m. Staff is planning programs for these young adults despite the handicap of reduced personnel and budget.


The shortage of library funds has received a good deal of attention recently. Nevertheless, the Oxnard Public Library is open five days a week and plans to remain active in south Oxnard and Colonia as well as the main center.

We are aware of the need for library service, as cuts are made elsewhere in the west county. Probably the public cannot see how the demands on staff have increased. It is inspiring to me to know that plans are being prepared to reach library nonusers and develop youth programs, despite funding handicaps. Support by the public, and support for augmented public library funding, would certainly encourage a much-beleaguered staff.


