
Councilwoman Does a Costly Flip-Flop

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* It never cease to amaze me how a person can criticize the City Council and then turn around and want the very same thing. It’s called “talking out of both sides of one’s mouth.”

When a vacancy on the Moorpark City Council arose (due to the resignation of Scott Montgomery), Eloise Brown complained to the council that an election was the only fair way to select a replacement--absolutely no appointment. She wanted an honest election! However, when Brown sat on a prior council and a vacancy occurred, she was very supportive of appointment.

Now that she is back on the council, Brown wants the council to approve a voter initiative that would eliminate special elections. But the city attorney says such an action most likely would not withstand a court challenge as state law dictates that council vacancies must be filled by appointment or election.


All of this controversy has cost the city money in staff and attorney time just to satisfy Brown’s urge to be on center stage with this issue. This is not the first time she has persistently pursued a point and caused taxpayer funds to be expended on a moot issue. Isn’t it time that it stopped?

Eloise Brown should get a life and not talk out of both sides of her mouth!


