
Performances Enliven Reading Program


A popular reading program for children at the San Fernando Library is combining guest performers with creative incentives to promote multiculturalism.

“Read About Me,” a twice-weekly program, has been popular among parents looking for educational--and free--ways to help their 6- to 12-year-olds have some fun and beat the heat.

“It’s really a fun time for the staff as well as for the kids,” said library assistant Diane Gavin. “Last week, we had Aztec dancers, which everyone loved, and this week it’s going to be African storytelling.”


On Tuesdays, “After School Story and Craft” offers selected readings to complement hands-on activities such as origami and mask-making.

And on Thursdays the library presents special guest performances with descriptions like “Polynesian Adventures” and “Creatures, Cultures & Kids.”
