
NAACP Revival


Diana Beard-Williams stooped very low to criticize the Antelope Valley NAACP. We welcome constructive criticism; however, her article, “Today’s NAACP Needs a Revival” (July 14), was filled with so much garbage that it makes a reasonable person question her motives. The Antelope Valley NAACP has been a driving force in this community to eliminate racial discrimination. We all work hard and volunteer our time to help make a difference in our community.

How does Beard-Williams know what is going on in the NAACP? When was the last time she attended an NAACP meeting? When was the last time she handled a complaint? Beard-Williams’ criticism is typical of those who know absolutely nothing about this organization and have done nothing but criticize and complain. Some people thrive on controversy; what is her agenda?

Beard-Williams failed to inform the reader that:

* She is a current NAACP member and has never volunteered for any committee. On July 12, she contacted this branch to report a job discrimination complaint.


* I have always been in full charge of this branch. With executive committee approval, I was absent from the general membership meetings (held once a month) from September 1995 to March 1996. During those absences, our first or second vice president conducted those meetings. With all other business, I was in charge.

* Since the beginning of the Human Relations Commission meetings on hate crime, our representative has been an executive committee member.

* The national NAACP does not require branches to hold candidates forums. This branch has held two forums, the first being three years ago. We will hold our next candidates forum in October.

* NAACP works cooperatively with city councils, the Sheriff’s Department and other organizations to remove obstacles facing our community.

We all have a responsibility for making our community a better place. To those who are critical of the NAACP, the prescription is to get involved. Talk is cheap and criticism that is not constructive is without merit.



Thompson Taylor is president of the Antelope Valley Branch of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People
