
How They Rank


With 101 medals, the United States was the biggest medal winner at the Atlanta Olympics. But if comparative populations are taken into account--medals per each million of population--the U.S. was only 19th among countries with at least 10 medals.


Total Medals Per Million Australia 41 2.24 Cuba 25 2.29 Hungary 21 2.04 Bulgaria 15 1.70 Belarus 15 1.44 Netherlands 19 1.23 Czech Republic 11 1.06 Romania 20 .86 Germany 65 .80 Canada 22 .77 France 37 .64 Kazakhstan 11 .63 Italy 35 .60 South Korea 27 .59 Ukraine 23 .44 Poland 17 .44 Spain 17 .43 Russia 63 .42 United States 101 .38 Britain 15 .26


Note: Among the worst of the nations with only one medal, India’s average per million was .001 and Mexico’s was .01.
