
Audubon and Golf Courses


Your article “Developer Takes Over Embattled Golf Project,” (Aug. 14) erroneously states that the Cosmo proposal for a golf course in Big Tujunga Wash would be “operating under strict environmental guidelines set by the Audubon Society.” In fact, National Audubon Society, San Fernando Valley Audubon Society and the other Southern California Audubon chapters strongly oppose developing any golf course in Big Tujunga Wash. The unique alluvial sage scrub habitat of Big Tujunga Wash should be set aside as a nature preserve.

National Audubon and the approximately 500 chapters affiliated with it do not endorse golf courses. The Audubon Society of New York State Inc., which has no affiliation with National Audubon, does have a golfing certification program. That program is funded by a variety of participants in the golfing industry and does not have that approval of National Audubon.

A recent Times article about a golf course proposed for the San Simeon area also reported Audubon approval of a golf course in a way that erroneously implied National Audubon Society imprimatur. It is important that so influential a newspaper as The Los Angeles Times and its readers not be misled by the golf-course industry’s casual use of the Audubon name.



Sherman Oaks

Kotkin is conservation chair, San Fernando Valley Audubon Society
