
County Opens New Public Health Center


“The Little Bus of Tobacco Horrors” and Macarena lessons are among the attractions Sunday when the county holds opening ceremonies for its Santa Paula public health center.

The center will offer a variety of services, including pregnancy and AIDS testing and a nutrition program.

“The focus is prevention and health, not sickness and medical care,” said Lois Manning, nursing director for Ventura County Public Health Services.


The center is the fourth run by the county. The others are in Ventura, Oxnard and Simi Valley.

Although anyone can use the centers, most clients are from low-income families.

“There are a lot of clients in Santa Paula and Fillmore who cannot get to Ventura,” Manning said.

The opening ceremonies will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. and include musical performances by the Martinez Brothers and Vientos el Sur, children’s games and face painting. Free body fat analysis and blood pressure screenings will also be offered.

The health center is at 620 W. Harvard Blvd.
