


Drug Free

Cal State Northridge President Blenda Wilson was less than pleased when she was asked if she was on drugs before testifying at a legislative hearing on affirmative action. . . . The hearing was convened by Assemblyman Bernie Richter (R-Chico), a supporter of Prop. 209, the anti-affirmative action measure. . . . A supporter of 209 who testified was not asked about drugs.

Greener Pastures

Mayor Richard Riordan and other politicians made a point of showing support for the environment at a dog-and-pony show at Sepulveda Basin, where they awarded checks to several environmental programs. . . . Only problem: The city’s Board of Public Works on the same day recommended using the basin for a septic tank dumping facility.

The Week Ahead

Valley readers shaking their heads--and purses--over California’s proposed new rate structure for earthquake insurance may be consoled to know that the City Council on Wednesday plans to ask the state to come up with something more fair.
