
Culture and Race

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Re “Sybert’s Ties to Group Called Racist at Issue,” Oct. 25.

In the article, [Glenn] Spencer, the leader / spokesman for Voice of Citizens Together, defends his right to say what he feels about the “Mexican / Chicano culture” [and its people] as being liars and deceitful, as long as he is only talking about “culture” and not “race.”

OK. Let’s talk about American culture. This country was built on lies and deceit, lest we forget the more than 500 treaties made with the original inhabitants of this land by the “original” illegal immigrants, and then broken by those same “original” illegal immigrants. California was inhabited by the Mexicans way before any European illegal immigrants were here. The seal of Los Angeles says founded in 1781. How many European immigrants were here then, other than the Spaniards?

Whether you are talking about “culture” or whether you are talking about a particular race, as long as you talk in a derogatory manner, Mr. Spencer, you are still a racist, and that is an ignorance that rises from a fear of cultures that you do not understand.



Simi Valley

* We know Rich Sybert. He is a friend, and he is no racist. The article addresses three issues which are presented in a murky and unfair fashion.

* The first issue is whether the organization VCT is in fact a racist organization. It should be categorically stated that simply espousing a philosophy against illegal immigration is reasonable and logical and is not itself in any way racist.

* The alleged statement by the VCT spokesman that “the Mexican culture is based on deceit” is clearly offensive. It is an unjustifiable, baseless generalization that is unfair and untrue. However, the statement should not be used to judge the entire VCT group and its main purpose, to speak against illegal immigration.


* The Times article and headline egregiously and illogically attempted to tie Sybert to VCT and to every statement made by members of that group. This is patently unfair and distorts Sybert’s moderate and reasonable position. He has spoken against the problems created by illegal immigration. He has stated that he was not aware of the statement by VCT spokesman Spencer. When made aware of that statement, Sybert proclaimed it offensive and rejected Spencer’s position.

The Times has a responsibility to provide the community with sensible journalism. The innuendo and insinuations associated with the unwarranted headline are inconsistent with journalistic responsibility.




* I am disgusted and infuriated by the misleading headline and scurrilous article that attempts to tie Rich Sybert to an allegedly racist organization.


I am a Jew. I am also a Holocaust survivor. I know all about racism. I know and support Sybert. I know that he is not a racist.

Yes, Sybert is against illegal immigration. So am I. So are both presidential candidates and the overwhelming majority of law-abiding Americans. Does this now make us all racists?


Studio City
